Super Heat-resistant Wire: MS500-series
Rated voltage:600V

Silica-glass-yarn braided super heat-resistant wire, MS500 series products, is made of various highly heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant conductors wrapped in glass-mica tape coated with silica-glass fiber. High-quality coating, which is light yellow and excels in insulating characteristics, is applied to the insulation of MS500.

A composition similar to the above has been certified with UL Style 5107, AWM, the UL Standards (600V of rated voltage and 450℃ of rated temperature).
Specify NPC-5107-[RU] or NI-5107-[RU] for a product complying with the UL Standards. Contact us for details.
MS500 series products are used for applications such as the lead wire in an electric heater, which must be highly resistant to heat as well as corrosion, and wire in high-temperature equipment.
For the specifications of each product, refer to the pages dedicated to the product.
*MS500 series products are manufactured according to the Standards of Ninomiya Electric Wire Co., Ltd.